Commercial banking among riskiest industries in the U.S.

Email | Twitter Commercial banking, appliance repair and (not surprisingly) newspaper publishing ranked among the 10 riskiest industries in the United States, according to a report released by research group IBISWorld. aEvery industry has a certain level of risk,a the report reads. aBut the success of an industry depends on how its operators manage their risk and adapt for the future.a Pundits have long predicted the demise of the newspaper industry, but that commercial banking landed on the list might cause a few head scratches. aDespite being a mature industry that provides services with wide market acceptance, high regulation and increasing external competition make the Commercial Banking industry a risky one,a according to the report. IBISWorld still predicts overall revenue in commercial banking to increase from $507 billion in 2013 to $725 billion in 2018. By contrast, the group estimates newspaper publishing revenue to decrease 3.7 percent to $28 billion in that same time. Recordable media manufacturing ranked No. 1 on the list. Jason deBruyn covers Health Care, Higher Education, Nonprofits and Sports Business. Follow him on Twitter @jasondebruyn. Industries:
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